Antigua - Central America's Gem
In a small region of Guatemala, tucked in between the Fuego, Acatenango, and Agua volcanoes, lies Antigua: a small but wondrous city. Grand Parade Coffee from Antigua is arguably the crown jewel of Central America; rich, full-bodied, and shining with natural tropical fruit flavors and subtle caramel notes, it has everything a coffee lover looks for. But what exactly makes it so great? We’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s all about the soil. The numerous volcanoes that surround the Antigua region are constantly depositing layers of nutrient-rich, organic materials into the land, creating a lush environment for the coffee plant to thrive. This, paired with high altitudes, abundant rainfall, and consistent temperatures, are what make Antigua coffee so incredible.

Our Antigua coffee comes specifically from the Zelaya family: a group of farmers renowned throughout the industry for producing amazing single-origin coffee. Coffee is such an integral part of life, and there are countless places where you can buy it, but we believe that truly great coffee comes from the love, care, and dedication that goes into growing it -- something that the Zelaya family has mastered. The family is deeply in tune with the magic embedded in the Antiguan land, and we’re so honored to offer the coffee that they’ve so lovingly cultivated. Our Guatemala Antigua is an homage to all that Central America has to offer; a testament to the wisdom passed through the Zelaya family for generations.