Rare Organic Kenya AA Coffee
Organic coffee in Kenya is rare. But excellent organic coffee is practically unheard of. We are excited to support the growth of any farmer producing organics. Established in 1976, the Muiri Estate received its organic certification in 2008 and has garnered the reputation of excellence in coffee producti
The Muiri Estate sits on an expansive shade-grown farm of about 400 acres in the acclaimed Kiambu County, Kenya’s revered coffee region. Equipped with an onsite wet mill and access to a large dam, the Estate’s organic coffee is processed with a laser focus on quality control.
Committed to sustainability, the Muriri Estate houses about 55 cows in a newly built facility for dairy production, as well as fertilizer for the organic growing of its coffee. Operational staff members and seasonal workers are housed on the Estate’s cottages during the peak harvest season.