Flavor Notes & Roasting Tips
How it tastes? The very definition of a fine, clean Boquete coffee. Lively and fruited with orange notes that complement a creamy chocolate body with soft hints of almond.
Defined mandarin accent notes and complex brown sugars add dimension to the cup as it cools. The body is buoyant and mouth pleasing.
This coffee is great anywhere along the roasting spectrum. Exceptional as filter coffee or espresso.
Recommended Roast: Medium - Dark.
Medium roast is where you will experience the most citrus, caramel and nuttiness aspects of this cup - which is, after all - what makes it special!
Dark roast develops deep chocolate and raisin flavors that make for a delicious espresso with a surprising fruited side.
Frankly, this coffee is fantastic anywhere after 1st crack through early 2nd.